速報APP / 工具 / SMART Freelancer App

SMART Freelancer App





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本




SMART Freelancer App(圖1)-速報App

SMART Freelancer is professional communication solution that connects freelance professionals and companies that require their services. It integrates a mobile application and an alert management system. Its main goal is to contact freelance service providers through massive job offer alerts. In order to do so, alerts are simultaneously sent to the database users who have downloaded the application to their smartphones and match the job offer description. Alert recipients are filtered on the basis of the information they provide in a profile form the first time they open the app.

SMART Freelancer App(圖2)-速報App

Users receive notifications for projects whose details appear in the application interface, and they can apply to it or close the alert. If an alert is closed, the project offer is still available in the job offer list and can be applied to any time. However, when it is assigned, the job is no longer listed among the offers. If the user gets the job for which he applies, details of that project appear under My Projects tab in the app. Also, users have access to their profile, past projects and news. Through Past Projects, users can have a record of the projects they were assigned and successfully completed by them.